Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Truth That's in Me by Julie Berry

The Book: The Truth that’s in Me
The Author: Julie Berry
The Publisher: Viking Juvenile, 2013
The Acquiring: Was sent to me as a Goodreads Giveaway, First Reads

My Thoughts: I received this book via a First Reads Giveaway. I was hesitant at first because I was unsure of the whole process since this was my first giveaway that I had received. I am very grateful that this was the first book that was sent to me.

The book is written in a Cormac McCarthy The Road sort of style of writing. The Chapters are short and the book moves very fast, somewhat non linear and very mysterious with deep emotions. I am really hesitant to make that comparison because McCarthy is a grand master at what he does so I feel like I may be setting it up for failure but I’m not sure who else to explain it. You just have to keep in mind while reading that it’s a YA novel and written to those standards.

It took me about a night and a half to get through the book. My 12 year old self would have loved this book.. my adult self enjoyed it and has recommended it to other adults that also enjoy YA novels but probably not to others who are not so inclined to read YA.

The Lowdown: The story is of a young girl, Judith, who after mysteriously disappearing for several years , returns to town with her tongue cut out. The puritan, fire and brimstone type town believes she was left cursed and an invalid halfwit and treats her cruelly and with harsh judgement, especially her own mother. She longs after the neighbor boy whom she's been in love with her entire life. The tale is how eventually her dark secrets are revealed and the impact it has upon the town folks.

The Goodreads Rating: I gave it 4 stars because I really got into the story.This book is a definite read to anyone who loves young adult books.

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