Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
The Author: Douglas Adams
The Publisher: Pan Books, 2009
The Acquiring: Bought at Chapters in the Bargain Books section for 5.99$

My Thoughts: I’m not sure why I chose this book in particular to become the first review on my blog ever…. maybe I have a subconscious death wish?

I read some of the reviews on Goodreads and boy, some people sure do love their Douglas Adams…. and venomously defend his honour, ripping apart any reader who dares besmirch his novels.  

I really wanted to LOVE this book, much like I really wanted to LOVE Sam Robert’s Band’s new album…. (sigh)… but I don’t.

There are parts to this novel that I love and think are smart,witty, and awesome. Actually, I think most of this novel is smart, witty and awesome. I adored that the computer which computed the answer to the question “what is of the meaning of life”, answered of 42. Or that the greatest revolutionary spaceship is called the Heart of Gold.. I hope after Neil Young's song… but I did not care much for a single character. The only one that really intrigued me was the old man Slartibartfast but he’s only one. The others...well.. meh..I could have cared less. Not that their stories were not intriguing but I feel that their character personalities just all fell a little flat.

I have the second book in the five part series or what Adams likes to call a trilogy of five, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe which I will probably read sooner than later. I bought them both on sale at Chapters for 5.99$ each. I’m curious how this series turns out. I might even watch the movie if it’s on Netflix.

The Lowdown: Arthur Dent wakes up one morning to discover that contractors have arrived to demolish his house to build a bypass. This is the first that Arthur has heard of these plans that apparently have been in the works for quite some time and the plan has been laid out in some unknown local planning office for public viewing. Arthur lays down in front of his house in protest. His one and maybe only friend, Ford Perfect, comes along and convinces the contractor to lays  down in Arthur’s place so they can go to the pub together.
Turns out, that Ford is not human, he’s an alien who travels the galaxy hitchhiking on different space ships while writing a book called The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. He’s been stuck here on earth for ten years. He has received news that an Alien species named Vogons have actually scheduled earth's demise in order to make an express route through the galaxy. These plans have been apparently laid out in an unknown planning office as well. Ford and Arthur hitch a ride on the Vogan Spaceship before they obliterate that has been sent to destroy earth, thus begin their journey.

PS: Dear Sam Roberts, I have loved your music from the moment I first listened to it. I would listen to  Love at the End of the World on repeat for the rest of my life if I was given the choice. I did not mean to disrespect you in anyway but I just… didn’t… like… your… last….album. And this makes me sad. I still love you though.

The Goodreads Rating: I gave it 3 stars… because I would not recommend this book to just anybody. It would have to be a certain type of person.

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