I've started so many book in 2014 that I have yet to finish. I have a stack pile up next to my bed that is now higher than the bed its self. I don't believe it's because of anything the books are doing. No, it's all me. I've been dragged out and can concentrate. I mean one of these books is Stephen King's Revival. Which it, like, craziness that I have not finished.. or even gotten past the third chapter. I guess I need to start prioritizing. So hear is my list of started but not finished books of 2014 which I plan to finish in 2015.
1. Stephen King- Revival
2. John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
3. George RR Martin- Game of Thrones
4. Joseph Boyden - Orenda
5. Neil Gaiman- Neverwhere
6. Charles Dicken- Oliver Twist
7. Stephen King- Firestarter
8 Emile Zola- Therese Requin
9. Lesley Crewe- Relative Happiness

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