Sunday, September 28, 2014

Interview With The Vampire

The Book: Interview With The Vampire (he Vampire Chronicles Book 1)
The Author: Anne Rice
The Publisher: Random House Publishing Group, 1991
The Acquiring: Chapters, Mass Paperback, in store for around 10$

My Thoughts: This book is Fan~freaking~tastic! At about 100 pages in, I started thinking.... "Where is this book going" then "ohhh" .. "oh it's going this way"... "nope it's going to go that way".. "Nope, This is not going where I'm guessing so I'll just stop guessing" . 

The story is about the search for the answer to the age old question of "What is evil in actuality?" and "What is it to be damned?"... and "who really knows the answers?"...

This book is going on my list of Books Everyone Who Reads in Today's Society Should Read

Oh for the record...
1) I had never watched the movie before reading the book... I have since watched it... right after I finished reading.
2) I am not overly interested in vampires.. Mind you, I have read The Twilight series and hated the vampires... and mostly everything else in that book... Still Totally #TeamJacob though.
3) Stephenie Meyers cannot hold a candle to Anne Rice..
4) Even the word Blood makes me want to pass out.

SO... That being said..

This is brilliantly written. The story line is just... so amazing. It begins in Old French New Orleans, which is a perfect setting. It can get a little dry in places and I had to read some paragraphs twice because I couldn't really grasp the concept the first time around. But the relationships between the characters in the novel are so exotic and weird and.. twisted. It's nothing like anything I have ever read. Sometimes Louis whinny and thoughts annoyed me and I love to hate Armand, even though I feel like I should have. And of course I loved Lestat and all his evilness but most of all I loved, LOVED Claudia.

Actually I don't think there is one thing about this book I would change. It's weird, dark and tormenting. Everything I feel books should be.

Spoiler Alert.. Don't say I didn't warn you
This book left me with many questions about the relationships between the characters... like they talk about loving each other but are they gay or pedophilic or is this just some sort of erotic non-sexual type of love? Do they love each other in a non-human needs type of way?

The Lowdown: A vampire sits down with a report and tells his life story of how he came to be. Anything else I could say would be spoilers.

The Goodreads Rating: I would give this 10 stars if I could... but I can only give it 5.
Definitely buying the second novel in the trilogy.. Prince Lestat.

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