Sunday, September 28, 2014

East of Eden by Steinbeck

The Book: East of Eden
The Author: John Steinbeck
The Publisher: Penguin Books, 2002
The Acquiring: Bought at Chapters several years ago… I’m sure for full price since none of their pretty covered classics ever go on sale.

My Thoughts: It's the best book I've ever read.This is one of the best books ever written... ever.. through time.. through... the entire Universe.  

When I finished I said to myself " Self, why haven't you read more Steinbeck?.. What is wrong with you?"

The story is incredible. When I was done, I just sat back in amazement and let the story run through my head again and again. It is one of those novels that will stay with me for a long time. Definitely in my top 10 books I'm glad I decided to read. The imagery of the Salinas Valley makes me want to visit California and see it for myself. 

Interview With The Vampire

The Book: Interview With The Vampire (he Vampire Chronicles Book 1)
The Author: Anne Rice
The Publisher: Random House Publishing Group, 1991
The Acquiring: Chapters, Mass Paperback, in store for around 10$

My Thoughts: This book is Fan~freaking~tastic! At about 100 pages in, I started thinking.... "Where is this book going" then "ohhh" .. "oh it's going this way"... "nope it's going to go that way".. "Nope, This is not going where I'm guessing so I'll just stop guessing" . 

The story is about the search for the answer to the age old question of "What is evil in actuality?" and "What is it to be damned?"... and "who really knows the answers?"...