Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mr Mercedes by the Obi-Wan of writers

The Book: Mr Mercedes
The Author: Stephen King
The Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 2014
The Acquiring: Chapters for 40% off

The thoughts: My First thought- ***sigh*** ...  I love Stephen King. 
That being said, I did find it sort of slow about a quart of the way in but then I really got into it and ended up staying in on a Saturday night to finish it. 

 WARNING: Unlike most SK.. there are no supernatural elements. I didn't have to ask anyone to come stay with me or talk to me on the phone until I fell asleep at night. It was straight up crime fiction.. 

I actually think my mother would kind of like this book. She usually hates Stephen King because she not into all the supernatural stuff. I am trying to think of a way to convince her to read this book. The argument that I've come up with so far goes something like this... 
"It's not like his other books, no supernatural witchy weird sh*t going on, just plain straight up psychological crime fiction.. think more Agatha Christie than J.R.R. Tolkien."

Also, I was not a big fan of the cover because I don't like the sight of blood... but it's growing on me... sort of.. 


I try not to add spoilers into by blog but I just have to say this. Allegedly, according to somewhere on my twitter feed.... This is the first of 3 books in a series which follow some of the same characters. I read this somewhere on the inter-webs when I was about half way through the book that at least three main characters will carry over into the other books.. which seemed unlike SK. I thought I read it would be Hodges, Jerome and Janey... turners out I was wrong. I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag on who it is but it's not poor Janey... it was someone else I came to like much more... and I am assuming someone else I don't... 

PS It was actually Stephen King himself on this twitter.. see it here! 

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