Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shadow and Bones by Leigh Bardugo

The Book: Shadow and Bone
The Author: Leigh Bardugo
The Publisher: Henry Holt And Co., June 2013
The Acquiring: Giant Tiger (which is a discount/ bargain store) for 4.99$

The Thoughts: I was randomly waiting around and browsing through the store when I seen Joyland by SK. at the very top. I just took a quick look through to see what else was there when I spotted this book. I had hear several other people talk about it on YouTube's BookTube community so I just couldn't leave it there since it was only 5$. I didn't even bother read the back of the book so I kind of went into it blindly.

I began reading that day and I was hooked. It was an easy read. I really enjoyed it. It would be a great beach book for people who aren't into all that romance stuff. Don't get me wrong, there is kind of, sort of a romance story to it but the focus isn't all about getting the guy. I mean, it's a YA novel so you kind of have to go into it knowing that it's not going to be 1984 or Grapes of Wrath or something but it is an overall great read.

Though it's set in some sort of mystery fantasy place, I feel it has a Russian culture vibe. I don't know too much about the author but I feel there is a lot of Russian folklore to the book. I say this because from what I've read of the translated folklore, it has a deeper darker "Cinderella isn't going to find her Prince Charming" edginess to their stories. I appreciate stories like that, I think they portray a more believable world. Plus I've always been fascinated by Russian Culture.

I think this would make an amazing movie.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mr Mercedes by the Obi-Wan of writers

The Book: Mr Mercedes
The Author: Stephen King
The Publisher: Simon & Schuster, 2014
The Acquiring: Chapters for 40% off

The thoughts: My First thought- ***sigh*** ...  I love Stephen King. 
That being said, I did find it sort of slow about a quart of the way in but then I really got into it and ended up staying in on a Saturday night to finish it. 

 WARNING: Unlike most SK.. there are no supernatural elements. I didn't have to ask anyone to come stay with me or talk to me on the phone until I fell asleep at night. It was straight up crime fiction.. 

I actually think my mother would kind of like this book. She usually hates Stephen King because she not into all the supernatural stuff. I am trying to think of a way to convince her to read this book. The argument that I've come up with so far goes something like this... 
"It's not like his other books, no supernatural witchy weird sh*t going on, just plain straight up psychological crime fiction.. think more Agatha Christie than J.R.R. Tolkien."

Also, I was not a big fan of the cover because I don't like the sight of blood... but it's growing on me... sort of.. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

This Just Happened

Went to Chapters to buy SK's new book Mr Mercedes and by a stroke of luck I found Hardcover Ken Follet's Fall of Giants for 5$

If you haven't seen the "book trailers" for Mr Mercedes then you've been missing out. They are essentially all of SK's most famous (or infamous) characters introducing the character Mr Mercedes. They are amazing....