Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Book: The Road
The Author: Cormac McCarthy
The Publisher: Vintage Books, 2006
The Acquiring: Bought at Chapters last year… I’m sure for full price

My Thoughts: I don’t even know how to begin…

I find myself saying “On my f@#k” repeatedly and rocking back and forth trying to console myself as I read this book.

I have read this book several times. Twice in the first week that I owned it. ...Well I skip over some parts because they frighten me. But each time it leaves me with the strangest feelings that I cannot shake for days. There is something both horrifying and beautiful at the same time and I both love and hate the story. I have so many mixed feelings that I cannot decipher through them and it has been almost a year since I read it for the first time. It emotionally drains me (in a good weird way) each time.

The layout of the book makes it a super fast read and the chapters or sections are not long so you can just burn through them. The first time I read it I could not put it down.

It’s beautifully written. McCarthy is a brilliant writer with a style that is uniquely his own. The books is a Pulitzer Prize Winner. I cannot tell you how many times I've recommended it to my book reading friends... just to be able to discuss it with someone...

If you are one of those people who need happy endings to your books…. don’t pick this one up.

The Lowdown: The story is set in an Apocalyptic world….. A REAL Apocalyptic, straight out of the  Book of Revelations, world….Not some dystopian post-apocalyptic type of 1984 of world. As in, ‘Hello, welcome to hell on earth, the Apocalypse is upon us’ world.
The story is of a man and his son, travelling through what was once America in search for something that they don’t even seem to really know. I know that that sounds lame but I cannot really explain the story better than saying it’s basically as if Moses and Joshua were in the wilderness alone during the Apocalypse, searching for the promise land. .

The Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars… each time I talk about this book to someone I want to re-read it.

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