Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

The Book: The Road
The Author: Cormac McCarthy
The Publisher: Vintage Books, 2006
The Acquiring: Bought at Chapters last year… I’m sure for full price

My Thoughts: I don’t even know how to begin…

I find myself saying “On my f@#k” repeatedly and rocking back and forth trying to console myself as I read this book.

I have read this book several times. Twice in the first week that I owned it. ...Well I skip over some parts because they frighten me. But each time it leaves me with the strangest feelings that I cannot shake for days. There is something both horrifying and beautiful at the same time and I both love and hate the story. I have so many mixed feelings that I cannot decipher through them and it has been almost a year since I read it for the first time. It emotionally drains me (in a good weird way) each time.

The Gunslinger By Stephen King

The Book: The Gunslinger, Dark Tower Series Book #1
The Author: The Grand Master, His Lordship Stephen King
The Publisher: Signet, 2003 (first published in 1983)
The Acquiring: Bought at Chapters for regular price for a mass paper copy, 9.99$

My Thoughts: I could not put this book down. I kept telling myself, just one more chapter, just one more chapter, just one more chapter (or rather sub-chapter). Then three hours later I was still reading.

After I finished reading The Gunslinger, I mentally beat myself up for not picking up this series before now. I know many people claim all kinds of different books as Harry Potter for adults and they just never measure up but this is the true Harry Potter for adults. Actually, it is more like Harry Potter is the Dark Tower Series for the youngins.