Monday, October 13, 2014

Hand to Mouth, Living in Bootstrap America

The Book: Hand to Mouth, Living in Bootstrap America
The Author: Linda Tirado
The Publisher: Putnam Adult, 2014
The Acquiring: Goodreads Giveaway, In the end of September.

My Thoughts: I love her in your face, take no prisoner writing style. It's refreshing to see someone just write and not worry about being politically correct like so many non-fiction books. She hides nothing, sugar coats nothing and tells her life of what it's really like to live in poverty.

Everyone should have to read this book. It's very much an honest unapologetic look into the working class and poverty in first world countries. I'm Canadian not American but I'm sure that it applies very much to Canadian culture as well.

I had not read or even heard of her essay before I read the book. Actually, I still haven't read it.. well only if the entire essay is in the first part of the book. I'm not sure. I guess I should go and find it on the interwebs to see.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Children Act by Ian McEwan

The Book: The Children Act
The Author: Ian McEwan
The Publisher: Doubleday, 2014
The Acquiring: Goodreads Giveaway -- Bound Galley (Not sure what that means) in September sometimes.

My Thoughts:   At first, I was really excited to start reading this book. I have never read Ian McEwan before and I won it as a Goodreads Giveaway as a pre-sale copy. I started reading moments after I opened the package but after about 25 pages.. I could have easily just put it down... and then I wasn't too eager to pick it up again... hence why I'm so late reviewing it.

Not that I didn't like it... but I just didn't care.. It's like when you watch a TV show because there is really nothing else on. I just read it to read it. I feel like if this wasn't Ian McEwan without his reputation... it would be just another book on the self.